Most any appliance made to assist a person with limited mobility will bolster independence. But for someone in a wheel chair, the options are limited. Limited mobility caused by tragic accident, old age, or disease is not something for which a person can plan. But it doesn’t have to be the end of a person’s independence. In fact, one of the main causes as to why a person chooses to live in a senior or healthcare living facility is the challenge of household mobility.
To live as normal a life as possible, a wheelchair user has to make numerous adjustments to his or her lifestyle. And if the person lives in a home with multiple floors, then the adjustment compromise is likely that they’ll have to leave their home. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A stair lift can help move a person from floor to floor, and do so easily. And it also opens up a opportunities because a person would not have to rely on relatives and friends to help them get about the house; the person may not even need a caregiver to help. A caregiver is costly (Although in certain circumstances a caregiver could be an absolute necessity), and they cannot be in the home and assisting twenty-four hours a day, every day.
A stair lift is peace of mind. It removes the anxiety that both those with limited mobility and their loved ones feel about stairs. One push of the button and a person can ascend or descend a flight of stairs with ease, regardless of their level of mobility. And when the stair lift is not in use it can simply be sent to another floor, out of sight and out of mind. And staircases with an installed stair lift are still viable for foot traffic.
If you have any questions about how a stair lift could ensure the independence of either you or someone you love, then call the mobility experts at G and J Enterprises today.