Social Distancing and the Mobility Impaired

It’s important to know that social distancing is different than isolation. Yes, it’s important to keep everyone safe, especially those who are most vulnerable in our communities. But social distancing could lead to isolation, and for those who have impaired mobility, isolation can be dangerous. Here are a few ways we can help to keep those we care for safe at home this winter, and a few ways to ensure that they retain a high quality of life.

The safest place for anyone this winter, especially seniors, is at home. And being home alone can present certain challenges. For instance, the layout of a home could present certain daily challenges, especially for someone who once relied on help from family or a caretaker. An appliance such as a stair lift can increase a person’s mobility, eliminating completely the physical challenges caused by stairs.

Scooters can also enhance the quality of life for those who need the extra help. And remember that a scooter should never be confused with a wheelchair. A scooter is merely an tool that can improve a person’s mobility and independence.

Another way to ensure that those you care about are safe this winter is to encourage more socialization online. No, it’s not face-to-face family time, but it is something. And for those who may have had an aversion to online socialization, it’s the perfect time to demonstrate Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom; any of the online options that allow people to connect with each other, even in groups.

If you or someone you care for is in need of mobility assistance, or if someone you care for is in need of bolstered independence, then call the mobility experts at G and J Enterprises today.

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